Broccoli is of great nutritional importance, as it contains a high amount of vitamins (vitamin A, beta-carotene, niacin, vitamin B1, B2, B6, E, folic acid, and vitamin C). In fact, it is considered a super vegetable due to the number of nutrients it provides.
Its high antioxidant power is mainly due to beta-carotenes, isothiocyanates, and vitamin C. All of these are antioxidants that protect us against free radicals, the cause of aging processes.
Its intense green color is indicative of its high content of provitamin A (mainly in the form of beta-carotenes), which strengthens our immune system. In broccoli, beta-carotene is mainly stored in the florets.
In addition, it provides high amounts of vitamin C, to the point that a serving of 200 g contains more than three times the daily recommendations of vitamin C. Vitamin C has antiviral power and improves cardiovascular health.
It also contains lutein, an important antioxidant for eye health, and a large amount of glucosinolates, which are attributed anticancer effects.