How to use raw broccoli

Although it is the least common way of consumption in Spain, raw broccoli is an excellent option. We will tell you some considerations below and give you some ideas to use it in a delicious way.

Broccoli is a food that offers multiple cooking methods, and, although less known, it can also be eaten raw. While it is true that in all preparations (both raw and cooked), hygiene and handling conditions should be considered to avoid food risks, it is even more critical in the case of consuming it raw.

Eat Safely

Beatriz Robles in Come seguro comiendo de todo says that we should never trust our senses to decide if food is in good condition. This applies not only to cooked foods, milk, yogurt, meats, or fish but also to fruits and vegetables. In the case of broccoli, it may look good, even be in good condition, but it could contain microorganisms that can cause some type of intoxication, especially due to contamination through irrigation water or the soil itself.

Consuming raw broccoli, as well as any other fruit or vegetable, is safe as long as the alternative to cooking is correct to eliminate dirt and debris. How to do it? The most common method is to use a solution of water with a few drops of bleach, suitable for disinfecting water and food, followed by thorough rinsing with tap water. It should not be immersed in water for too long to avoid the loss of properties. Still, it is always more advisable to tolerate that loss than the alternative of poor hygiene.

How to Use Raw Broccoli

Raw broccoli can be used perfectly in salads or dishes with raw or lightly cooked vegetables. Here are some ideas for you to enjoy its full flavor:

  • Grate the broccoli and use it in any salad with a good homemade dressing made with lemon juice, salt, and extra virgin olive oil. A delicious idea: a bed of baby spinach on which we can place dates (boneless) and halved grapes, a small apple in small cubes, and grated broccoli.
  • Broccoli sticks to dip in homemade hummus. Just like we dip carrot sticks, peppers, or celery, why not try small broccoli florets to dip in hummus?
  • Broccoli couscous. If we grate broccoli and combine it with cooked or raw vegetables, the result is surprising.
  • On soups: the perfect crunchy touch. A vegetable soup tastes delicious if we complete it with a little grated raw broccoli. Would you like to replace that toasted bread with this healthier alternative?

Have you prepared raw broccoli at home? How do you like to eat it? Tell us or share your recipe on social media to learn new recipes that are as healthy as they are delicious.

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